Color Consultation

Color is the fiber of all good designs, whether it is the interior or exterior of your home. Eve Gimmel is one of the premier color consultants in the Treasure Valley. She can assist you in selecting the colors that define your style, or if you simply need help making your final decision on your color. We recommend her for all of your major color updates and changes.


What is a Draw Down?

All paint suppliers color chips are made from ink. This can affect the appearance and feel of the color. A draw down is an 8 x 11 sheet of card stock with a paint sample on it in the color of your choice. This allows you to see exactly what the color will look like in a paint product and sheen of paint you have chosen for your painting project.

Green Eco Friendly Painting

EPA Certificate #R-I-18499-10-04332

Not only do we offer traditional house painting services but we also offer a line of environmental friendly painting services. Our painters can paint your house or commercial property and be “green” at the same time. From our eco friendly paints to the thorough cleanup process your property will not only look great but also be safe within the environment.